Thursday, 27 November 2008

Secret Santa time at Higher Ground HQ

The idea behind giving secret Santa gifts is good, actually its great - get together with a bunch of work mates, exchange prezzies and celebrate the festive season (rather merrily)! But the reality can be a bit more stressful when it comes to actually purchasing the gift. Our suggestion would be to approach the matter creatively like you would your work. And definitely steer away from buying those boring shortbread biscuit selections or bubble bath confetti sets, because no one wants one of those! Check out these sites for inspiration!

All of us at HQ are also doing secret Santa so photos of what we've received from each other will be posted in the New Year!

Friday, 21 November 2008

Getty Images Freitag Promotion

It's that time of the week again - time to tell you about how brilliant we are! A few weeks ago, we wrote about a Getty Images promotion we had designed and this week we're back with more. Once again, the promotion required a banner for the main space on the general Home Page and on the Home Page of the Creative section.

This time, Getty Images are offering a free Freitag bag to anyone who spends over £1000 on Royalty-free/Right-managed/Rights-ready images or Rights-ready/Royalty-free footage. So go on, get spending and get yourself a Freitag bag!

Or, just have a look at our designs on the Getty Images HOME PAGE!

Friday, 14 November 2008

London’s back by popular demand!

The LONDON THROUGH A LENS exhibition has returned hosted by Getty Images.

HGC went along to spread some love and participate in Getty’s kind hospitality and welcome the return of this extraordinary compilation of past and present imagery. The result of this collection is ‘a portrait of London. Showing the momentous and the mundane of everyday life.’

It’s the capital like you’ve never seen it before!

Not only did we get to view some amazing photo's, but we also got to celebrate the launch of the Pump Audio's PREMIUM PLAYLIST.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Behind the Scenes

Gather round children!

It's time for another look into the amazing adventure that is the life here at Higher Ground HQ. Remember last week when I mentioned our work for the Buffalo Club? Well, today I'd like to share with you another aspect of our multimedia capabilities - this time in the form of a video.

What we lovingly call the 'Behind the Scenes' video is going onto the new and improved Buffalo Club website (have a look at the site and let us know what you think - new and improved, right?). It tells the story of the below mentioned photo-shoot, so you can see the evening unfold for yourselves! Let us know what you think.

The Behind the Scenes video will also be joined with a much more 'slick' Trailer video shortly (watch this space).....

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Say Cheese!

You might remember a while back when we'd introduced The Buffalo Club - the high-rolling, luxurious, members-only poker club. Although their website was originally launched in early September, we have been involved in its redesign since and wanted to share with you some of the exciting projects this has involved!

In order to make the new website as 'slick' as possible, a professional MTV Cribs-style photoshoot was organised - models, enormous houses, fancy cars, the lot! Some of the HGC team members were lucky enough to go along and do some video filming at the event as well! Have a look at some of the photos from the event below and let us know what you think...

So, to summarise: Those who know - play at the Buffalo