Thursday, 21 May 2009

Higher Ground Bowling

Last Wednesday night bore witness to another (extremely enjoyable) Higher Ground team night out. Following some rather painful memories of flying paint from our last organised team activity (read more on this in our older posts), we decided to go for a more pain-free option this time.

Fueled by our love of healthy competition, we arrived at All Star Lanes in Brick Lane for an evening of good food, cocktails and bowling. After much careful consideration over an order of 8 cheeseburgers and various deserts, we managed to split the party into two teams (girls and Jay versus boys) and we were ready to hit the lanes. Of course, not before we put a small bet on the game - the loosing team were doomed to make teas and coffees for a whole week, while the winning team were stripped of their tea-making duties for the time being.

It was a close result, but in the end the boys were victorious and the girls (and Jay) must bow down to their bowling inferiority. Enjoy it while it last lads!

Friday, 1 May 2009

Missed Us?

As you may or may not know, over the past few months we've been working on the Short Circuit event in the Roundhouse in Camden Town. The event, which is also the world premier of ditto, deals with the idea of the 'human condition' and brings together an array of designers, photographers, musicians, illustrators (and more) in a showcase of their work.

Our contribution to the event is a 3 minute Flash animation on the theme of 'Creation' from Genesis, which is accompanied by a combination of spoken narrative and music by the seminal electronic music producer, Rolando Rocha.

The project has truly been a Higher Ground team effort and we've enjoyed every step of the way. Our animation will be shown alongside the other contributors' pieces at the Roundhouse in a few weeks and we can't wait to see it on the big screen! So have a look at our teaser video and let us know what you think:

You can also watch the full video live on the night (16th May) via an online feed.

Besides our involvement with the Short Circuit event, we've also worked with ditto to produce their logo, website and business cards. they've been an exciting client to work with and we're pretty proud of all our work with them, but we'd like to know what you think - so let us know!