Friday, 26 November 2010

The Arcanum

This week saw the launch of ‘The Arcanum’ website. ‘The Arcanum’ is a luxury villa in Phuket, Thailand – so why not take a look at the website to see what you’re missing out on!

For Higher Ground Creative, the website is just the latest part of a full branding campaign which has seen us create the name, logo, digital ads, brochure, flash presentation and even getting onto ideas for branded slippers and dressing gowns for their guests!

A stay for two in the plush villa went for quite a hefty amount at the Didier Drogba Charity recently at Chelsea stadium, so if you have the cash to splash, I recommend booking up your stay for 2011. Go on, you deserve it….

Until next time followers...


Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Higher Ground Creative become Champagne Charlies…

The Higher Ground Creative team like to work hard for all of their clients and its great to see the successful outcome, it makes working for a creative design agency really rewarding-its also lovely when the client rewards the team!

One of our recent projects was Benefits Revolution, a new employee engagement service. This project involved a lot of time and effort from the team but they were kindly rewarded by the Benefits Revolution team with some kind words:

“Fantastic - thank you very much once again. Several of my colleagues has said how great the site looks, you guys have done an amazing job as always!”

…And also some champagne delivered to our offices…we cannot wait to crack open the bottles on Friday! Thanks Benefits Revolution!!

Until next time followers,



Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Bikes and Brand Logos…what a lovely combination…

Some members of the Higher Ground Creative team are passionate petrol heads and when they saw the new brand logo for Norton, the historic British motorcycle brand, they were impressed with the gentle reworking of the Norton logo, which has become a symbol of the British motorcycle industry.

The new logo only has gentle changes to the overall look, but is refreshed and progressive, and will represent this brand for many more years to come, without losing the heritage of the brand.

Its nice to see the thought that has gone into this logo refresh, taking elements of previous logos to reworks a classic design.

So here is the finished logo on the product- and we could not resist posting a picture of the Norton Commando-what a bike !?

Well, we are off to don our goggles and helmets and burn some rubber…

Until Next time followers,



Thursday, 4 November 2010

Higher Ground Creative loves a bit street art....

The team at Higher Ground Creative love a bit of graffiti...we enjoy the wa>y that it can brighten up a harsh landscape and also inject sense of humor in often bleak or non-descript locations. We also like the controversy and debate that often surrounds graffiti to whether it is street art or vandalism (...however we do not condone the vandalism the school toilets or the local playground-that would take us back to our schools days...the less said about them the better!).

We were drawn to the attention to a new Banksy masterpiece near our here to have a look!. It’s great to see a little bit of street art in the area-as well as the privilege that Banksy has chosen to create another one of his masterpieces for us to admire!

Looking at this graffiti has made us think of the possibilities of alternative art as marketing and advertising channels, and we found some really cool examples of what can be done with this emerging art form...

It’s interesting to see brands having the confidence in new methods of brand communication. Higher Ground Creative would love to get involved with such new methods to further expand on their already extensive range of services (

Until next time followers,