So last week saw JLS reach number 1 in the singles chart with ‘The Club is Alive with The Sound of Music’.
Now I don’t know if it is my age or gender, but the original didn’t appeal to me in the first instance, so an electrolysed version was never really going to be to my taste.....or perhaps anyone’s for that matter?!?
To me, this event is a strong case for the power of marketing. The record labels have managed to take a [poor] product (the song), create a strong brand (the group), market it well (the boys), take it to a currently unsatisfied market segment (the teenage girls) and subsequently reap the rewards (the money).
Now I’m not so sure it would work if I tried taking that song to Number 1 but hey it’s worked for some so I might just give it a shot (‘The studio is alive with the sound of branding’...)
So, up next for Higher Ground Creative, branding your band / group / solo project for the number 1 glory spot....
see you soon folks!